Tag "Opinion"

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford As a racer, you know it usually works the other way…you leave the track on a Sunday after a day of mud races and the sun comes out to start the work or school week. Well, this week it finally did the opposite. We woke up to rain and crappy weather here in the DMX World HQ city of London, ON, after a weekend of mid 20’s

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford Happy Holiday Easter Monday, everyone. I’m sure many of you are waking up and trying to decide if you should go ride again today or if it would be wiser to let those blistered hands heal a bit before they get any worse. I think we all know the answer. I was planning on dusting off the Jeff McConkey YZ250 2-stroke DMX test bike today, but the

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to get a little stir crazy. Usually, at this time of year, I’m happy to spend some time at home because I’ve been out in California for 5 or 6 weeks, I’ve been to a few Supercross races, I’ve spent time at my friend Brendan’s (KDEAM) place in Palm Coast, Florida, driven back and forth from the Daytona SX, the

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford Another Monday rears its ugly….nope, I can’t say that. We’re heading into a Monday here in London, Ontario, where we’re predicted to reach a blue-bird sky high of 16 or 17 degrees Celsius. This is the kind of day that helps you make it through the cold months here in Canada. I managed to get over to Gopher Dunes on Saturday for a couple hours before I

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford It’s been a long time since I woke up on a Monday after having been at an actual track on the weekend! Like, in over a year (that’s not entirely true, but you get the point). My coffee tastes just a little bit better this morning. I managed to get over to Gopher Dunes for their Opening Day on Friday. Ontario is so weird, weather-wise. Last year,

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford You ever pass the blame onto someone else and ask them to, “Remind me _________ because I don’t want to forget!” Of course you have. I did this the other day with Emily. You know when you know you should have written something down but you think “this time will be different…I’ll remember.” Well, I didn’t write it down, Emily forgot, too, and now it’s driving me

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford Hey, guess what? We got more snow last night here in London, Ontario. Enough so that I should really be out there taking care of it. I just checked the temperature and it’s 2C out there. If you’re in an area that gets snow, you know what that means…it is not going to be a fun shovel. My back already hurts, just thinking about it. Maybe it’ll

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford Happy Family Day, everyone. I’m a little behind schedule this week, as we’ve got a ton of stuff planned for content this week and everything seems to be happening at once this morning. So, what did you think about the 2007 Orlando replica track on Saturday night? I think it’s a great idea to bring some nostalgia to the sport. It gave Supercross two ways to promote

Monday Morning Coffee

By Billy Rainford You know you’re getting old when… So, last night was Superbowl #55 from Tampa Bay. I’m pretty sure you already knew that. I’ll admit it right off the top that this was the only football game I watched all year. We don’t have cable at our place and I’m not a big enough fan to try and find games online during the regular season, but I did

Brainstorm | Indy SX #2 Round 5

Brainstorm | Indy SX #2 Round 5 By Billy Rainford Sometimes, I think everything has been said about the racing by the time we are able to get around to writing about it. However, we never used to let that stop our old friend Jeff McConkey from doing his ‘McThoughts‘ column the day following a Supercross. So, with our dearly departed friend in mind, here’s my version called ‘Brainstorm‘ where